Friday, May 26, 2017

Free Download Cadsoft Eagle Version 7.7.0 Plus Crack Free 2017 for Electronic Design Software

EWB Software. - In this article we will continue to give you the other electronic design software, that called with Cadsoft Eagle design for Windows. You also can use this software to create your electronic project like circuit schematic and PCB layout.

This software give you easy and simple electronic circuit design and PCB layout design for their user make this software very lovely and used until this time. You can download EWB 1.02 for Windows 10 for Electronic Software Design

Image Courtesy of Tips Triks Elektronika

Beside we will give you global description about Cadsoft Eagle software, we also will give you the link to take free download Eagle Version 7.7.0 Plus Crack Free 2017 for Windows for electronic software design. So, please enjoy and read continue this article until finish.


From Tips Trik Elektronika blog describe that Cadsoft Eagle is a Software used to make representations of your electronic design with zero complexity. With this software you can design programs, electronic jobs with or created to handle projects ranging from the creation of schematic PCB schematic preparations, to designing a high resolution printed circuit board.

CadSoft Eagle full professional has three modules: Module scheme, layout editor, Autorouter. The program has a large Library containing a number of standard electronic components and quite common as a microcontroller, it is relatively easy for you to design a PCB design.

CadSoft Eagle Professional Features:

  1. The most up-to-date design from a reputable manufacturer
  2. Import / export simulation symbol (without package)
  3. Integrate parts into your schema with precision
  4. Minimizes redesign and shortens design time
  5. The price of all bills and materials
  6. A simulation tool for signal integrity analysis
  7. Play and display in 3D EAGLE model, and more.

And now you can click the links below to download Cadsoft Eagle Version 7.7.0 Plus Crack Free 2017 for Windows freely and easily.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Electronic Design: Audio Oscillator Circuit using ICL8038

Audio Circuit. - This is one of implementation of ICL8038 IC to build audio generator or oscillator system. It is only need small component to build this electronic circuit that basically using ICL8038 and other component.

The electronic design circuit of audio oscillator using ICL8038 is look like in Figure 1 below. Other component used like diode, resistors, capacitors, and variable resistor.

Beside we will show you electronic design circuit and component parts need, we also will give you global description about this circuit. So, please enjoy to continue reading this article until finish and get more useful.

Electronic Circuit Design

Component Parts

  • ICL8038
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Variable Resistors
  • Diode

The electronic circuit design like in Figure 1 above show you audio oscillator circuit using ICL8038. Other component need also that can supply with low voltage DC +10V and - 10V source to charge this IC and all system component from power supply built. With this electronic design circuit you can produce audio generator with 3 waves that useful now.

According Circuitstoday blog mentioned thatICL8038 is a monolithic waveform generator IC that can produce sine, square and triangular waveforms with very little distortion. The frequency can be programmed from 0.001Hz to 300 KHz using external timing capacitor and resistor. Frequency modulation and sweeping can be attained by using an external voltage. Other features of the ICL8038 are high linearity, high level outputs, simultaneous sine, square, triangle wave outputs, low external parts count, high temperature stability etc.

The working of ICL8038 is as follows. The external timing capacitor (C2 in the circuit diagram) is charged and discharged using two internal current sources. The first current source is on all the time and second current is switched ON and OFF using a flip-flop. Suppose the second current source is OFF and the first current source is ON, then the capacitor C2 will be charged with a continuous current (i) and the voltage across C2 increases linearly with time. When the voltage reaches 2/3 supply voltage, controlling flip flop is triggered and the first current source is activated. This current source carries double the current (2i) making the capacitor C2 is discharged with a current i and the voltage across it drops linearly with time. When this voltage reaches 1/3 supply voltage, the flip flop is resetted to the initial condition and the cycle is repeated again.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Electronic Design: Bridge Power Audio Amplifier Circuit using LM380 IC

Audio Circuit. - This is one of implementation of LM380 IC to build bridge power amplifier for your audion sound system. It is only need small component to build this electronic circuit that basically using LM380 IC and other component.

The electronic design circuit of bridge power amplifier using 555 IC is look like in Figure 1 below. Other component used like resistors, capacitors, and variable resistor.

Beside we will show you electronic design circuit and component parts need, we also will give you global description about this circuit. So, please enjoy to continue reading this article until finish and get more useful.

Electronic Circuit Design

Figure 1. Bridge Power Audio Amplifier Circuit using LM380 IC (Source:

Component Parts

  • R1 =2 MΩ potentiometer
  • R2 = 2.7 Ω
  • R3 = 1 MΩ
  • C1, C2, C3 = 0.1 µF
  • C4 = 51 pF
  • IC1, IC­2 = LM380 audio power amplifier
  • 8Ω 1-W speaker

The electronic circuit design like in Figure 1 above show you bridge power audio amplifier using LM380 IC. Other component need also that can supply with low voltage DC 15V source to charge this IC and all system component from power supply built. With this electronic design circuit you can produce power audio amplifier that useful now.

According ElectronicsProject blog mentioned that here is simple circuit of bridge power audio amplifier used in application requiring more power than is provided by the single LM380 amplifier, the two LM380s can be used in the bridge configuration shown in figure 1. In this arrangement (bridge power audio amplifier) the maximum output voltage swing will be twice that of a single LM380 amplifier; therefore, the power delivered to the load by bridge power audio amplifier will be four times as much. For improved performance, potentiometer R3 should be used to balance the output offset voltage of the LM380s. Here R2 C3 for stability with high-current load.