Sunday, March 19, 2017

Electronic Design: Motor Bike Brake Horn Circuit using Transistors

Audio Circuit. - There are many audio circuit of electronic design implemented in automotive car and motorcycle in this time. It is look implemented to build brake horn in motorcycle using small component electronic now.

One of this time we will show you one electronic design circuit that named with motor bike brake horn based on transistors component look like in Figure 1 below. Other component used like resistors, capacitors and also speaker used in this circcuit design.

Beside we will show you electronic design circuit and component parts need, we also will give you global description about this circuit. So, please enjoy to continue reading this article until finish and get more useful.

Electronic Circuit Design

Component Parts

  • R1, R7 = 2.2 KΩ
  • R2, R4 = 820 Ω
  • R3, R5 = 470 Ω
  • R6 = 4.7 KΩ
  • R8 = 10 KΩ
  • R9 = 4.7 Ω, 0.5W
  • C1 = 22 µF/25v
  • C2 = 4.7 µF/63V
  • C3 = 100v/16V
  • C4 = 0.047 µF
  • C5 = 0.01 µF
  • T1 – T4 = BC148B
  • T5 = SL100
  • LS1 = 4Ω speaker

The electronic circuit design like in Figure 1 above show you motor bike brake horn circuit using transistors. Other component need also that can supply with low voltage DC 4.5 - 12V source to charge this transistor and all system component. With this electronic design circuit you can produce motor bike brake horn that useful now.

According ElectronicProjects blog mentioned that the circuit can be operated from 4.5V to 12V DC or direct from the brake point of the motor-bike, Resistor R7 should be replaced with 1-ohm. 1/2W in case of an 8-ohm speaker. T5 is a driver transistor. C3 polarity can be reversed for a sudden off of the circuit.


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